
Some Help would be greatly Appreciated.

Thanks for the all the support and visits to my site.

A Donation is much appreciated. 

All Donations are Section 501(c)(3) approved.

I suffer from Mental Depression PTSD. As of present I have to see a Physicist weekly. My nightmare and pain keep me awake, most nights.  I may have to move from my present home.

I am hoping to Build an Alcove -  Safe Space for People with Mental Health Issues, Trauma, Self-Isolation, Disability.  Discovered real methods, for help financial.

It would be a great help for us to have a place to be, live and feel safe.  Money is hardly enough.

My “Health Issues” is been aggravated by a lot of Trauma.

I suffer from severe illness and injury, and have to take a lot of medications.

I tried working, but sometimes I Forget Stuff, Random Fall Asleep, The Pains Make It Impossible to Move Sometimes.

I have to be careful when I am doing anything. BETWEEN ALL MY ‘HEALTH ISSUE’,  I CAN HELP MYSELF WITH MEDICATION.

I still want to be a little independent. 

By starting to get a place to live.  It would be such a great help to know I have a place to live.

This is the connection of My Current Health Issues.

 PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Mental Depression, panic and anxiety disorder,  Hypothyroidism due to acquired atrophy of thyroid  Back pain  Chronic pain {Some of the pain come from losing my babies}  Mood problem  Vitamin D deficiency  Hypertension including as secondary to the traumatic connected post-traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD).

I have been working ever since I am a kid. But my health issues worsen.  This includes increase in disability. My PTSD and Hypertension was aggravated by resent events. Hypertension is proximately due to the result of connected stress, disease and injury. Blood pressure is often elevated when she is under stress or in pain. Treatment is admistered to keep it under control.

Treatment records is available upon request.

In this case, I seeks financial help connected to my disability; PTSD, hypertension, pain.  Disability is proximately due to the result of disease, PTSD, injury. I am very troubled that if I have to move; what will happen. At this I feels stressed, my blood pressure PTSD rises and, if I does not have medication for anxiety and blood pressure. I further noted that I will be aggravated by my connected panic and anxiety disorder, I hurts myself. “I have no question in my mind that some of my shortness of breath are caused and aggravated by my connected panic and anxiety disorder."  For Statement validity of Ms. Mangru Health Issues.   Please email me:-     

Please use the ''Donate'' button below.   Donations in any amount are much appreciated

Sincerely Sunita Mangru

P.S.       I would Love to be able to help myself.  Save me from entering the shelter  because of my financial situation.